Guardians and Guides by Jane Bowen
“Guardians and Guides” reflects Brantford’s industrial history.
Building on the foundation of the city’s industrial and architectural heritage, the composition suggests a geometric inspired landscape. The development of this site-specific assemblage installation was inspired by salvaged foundry moulds and related heritage artefacts from Brantford’s historical industries. The pieces provided have been sensitively blended and transformed into design elements, withtheir industrial surfaces integrated, to complement the aesthetic of the site.
“Guardians and Guides” considers chapters/eras of socio-economic shifts in Brantford’s diverse history. Optimism and hope are conveyed and encouraged as a catalyst for continued evolution and progress.
Presenting a vision of pride, resilience and vibrancy, “Guardians and Guides” serves as a visual gateway to growth and expansive perspectives.
– Jane Bowen, September 2021
About the Artist: Jane Bowen
Jane Bowen has exhibited throughout Ontario since her first solo exhibition in Elora, Ontario in 1989. While assemblage has been a consistent area of her focus, her exhibited bodies of work demonstrate her experience in a range of mediums including encaustic, sculpture, and oil and cold wax. Her evolving artwork draws on her surroundings and daily life, evoking thoughtful contemplation.
A special thanks to Rob Adlam for his support of this project as well as the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre. Funding and support from the City of Brantford and the Samuel W. Stedman Foundation.
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