The Brant Historical Society offers a wide array of adult programming both at the Brant Museum and Archives as well as Myrtleville House Museum. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, much of this programming was put on hold or moved online.
Adult Outreach Programs
The Adult Outreach Program delivers the treasures of the Brant Museum & Archives to your group! Each visit we bring artifacts, copies of photographs and documents, and lots of stories and local history to locations in Brantford, Brant County, Six Nations, and New Credit, taking the museum experience to audiences in the comfort of their own communities.
In lieu of running outreach programming, our themes have been adapted both into our “Lillia’s Lessons” segment as well as our podcasts.
Lillia’s Lessons
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, our typical schedule of Adult Outreach Programs needed to be put on hold. As a result, Lillia adapted her planned themes into a segment titled “Lillia’s Lessons”, a short video series explaining different areas of Brantford and Brant County history.
Brant History Happy Hour
As a part of our ‘May is Museum Month’ programming, Brant History Happy Hour was released! This eight part mini-series is similar to the popular T.V. show “Drunk History”, but with a Brantford spin. We hope you enjoy!
Speakers Series
The Brant Historical Society’s Speakers Series will be held virtually for the remainder of the year. Find the schedule and presentation topics here: